Executive Coaching Offerings
We help companies bridge the leadership gap between knowing and doing
Quote inspired by John Maxwell
Shortlist of Executive Coaching Offerings
both for leaders & teams (with Whole System Organisational Change please contact us).
First 90 Days
We trained with Michael Watkins, author of First 90 days, in Supporting Leadership Transition – newly promoted leaders who are identified as leaders positioned for growth and success in the organization.
Features 10 to 20 hours working over a 3 to 6 month period for transitioning leaders and emerging leaders.
Leadership Developmental Coaching
Supporting leaders to transition to later stages of development – vertical learning - to meet the VUCA challenges in their current roles affirming organizational goals and individual leadership success.
Process features 40 to 60 hours over a 6 to 12 month period.
Preparing High Potential Leaders
(i.e. top performers) for roles of greater responsibility.
Features 10 to 20 hours working over a 3 to 6 month period for leaders and emerging leaders.
Performance Coaching
Mainly for managers in building a micro-leadership skill set that is perceived as critical for success in the current role. Provides focus, support and strategic business knowledge to executives whose units are behind plan and at risk of failure.
Team (Systemic) Coaching
Developing a climate of psychological safety, conducive to collective learning by coaching a Pseudo-team to a Real team on the Katzenbach team performance curve or taking a scientific approach to evaluating a startup team for their due diligence.
Process features a minimum of 20hrs over a 6-months period.
360° Feedback (Cognitive Behavioural Coaching)
Administering a 360° feedback tool (i.e. Belbin Team roles) by providing the leader with behavioural feedback and creating an Individual Personal Development Plan (PDP).
What are the specific outcomes of leadership coaching?
The latest global research by the International
Coach Foundation (ICF)Â includes:
Leadership Development & Performance
Increased levels of employee engagement
Reduces attrition & Improved team working
Our Executive Coaching Process
Our Systemic Coaching Process engenders a safe environment in which to discuss business issues, organizational problems, and leadership challenges.
What our clients say
Bernard has a great way of helping individuals and organizations to see their weaknesses and gaps, and to come up with practical solutions through greater self-awareness and/or through taking specific actions. Bernard worked with our company over the course of a year and we benefited as individuals and as an organization from his coaching. I'd recommend him to any company looking for a strategically-minded coach.
Alan Healy
Co-founder and CEO Exergyn
Through this rigorous process, your executives benefit from confidential and individual help,
giving them a sound and objective way to measure improvement over time.
Our Coach Launch and Fact Gathering processes use an accurate and unbiased assessment of skills, strengths, and weaknesses through 360° online data, co-creation of coaching alliance and stakeholder interviews.
This developmental, fact-based, and results-oriented Coaching Process naturally leads to a specific, actionable personal development plan, achieving real and lasting change and improvement, measured by the Final Evaluation of improved job performance, relative to Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Expectations (ROE).
Coach Launch
Top Management
Team Kick-off
Coaching Match
Build Rapport
Set Expatations & Focus
Coachability Assessment
Fact Gathering
Review Existing 360° Assessment Data
Gather Additional Performance Data
Interview Stakeholders
Synthesize Data
Summary Report Coachee
Coaching Plan
Set Strategic Goals
Syndicate with Select Stakeholders
Determine Coaching Approach
Develop Coaching Schedule
Establish Coaching Routine
Intervention & Support
On-going Coaching
Stakeholder Interaction
Team Analysis
Mid-Term evaluation
Next Steps
Recommended Next Steps
Stakeholder Feedback
Final Evaluation
Final Report